
The LOOKUP formula returns an invalid value (Google Sheets)

There is a source table, there are columns id | приз | место | статус пользователя In this source table, the id can be dup ... льзователя 1000 | без статуса From which we can conclude that LOOKUP returns an invalid value. But I can't figure out why.

SUM, QUERY, and empty cells in Google Sheets do not work correctly

You need to filter the data using query in googlesheets. Does not sum cells with a value with empty values. Does anyone kno ... C) = month(date '2010-02-01') AND year(C) = year(date '2020-02-01')) group by B label sum(I)+sum(J)+sum(K)''"; 0 )

In google spread sheets, SUMIFS (and SUMIF) do not work when using IMPORTRANGE

There are 2 tables in google spread sheets (different files). When using the formula SUMIFS (and SUMIF), the formula IMPORTRA ... data using IMPORTRANGE (cell B2). If I try on IMPORTRANGE without SUMIFS, everything works. Why doesn't it work with SUMIFS?

How to fill in Google tables via the python api

I fill in Google tables using the api, there should be four columns,the data changes during the script, how do I make the tab ... eadsheet_id, body={ "valueInputOption":"USER_ENTERED", "data":[ {"range": ] } )

Checking matches with Google Apps Script directly in Google Forms?

I collect people's full names through Google Forms, etc.the data, and the form writes it to the Google spreadsheet. I really ... d in red). Me it seems that with the help of Google Apps Script it was possible to do this, but I'm not good at programming.

Identical sector names in the Google Sheets chart

Let's say I have a table with the columns 'car brand', 'car model', 'quantity'. I build two charts from this data. One shows ... wo duplicates of 'Nisan'. How do I make it so that there are three sectors in this diagram and they correspond to the brands?

Conditional formatting in Google Tables based on the values of different cells

I use Google Sheets to collect statistics on a daily basis. I need to change the background color of the cells in the range A ... version of the table:

How do I prevent another user from editing a script, but to make the script run?

There is a google table, editing rights are given to everyone. There is a myonEdit script-set to run as a trigger that sends ... necessary to hide it, or I don't even know how. I think there is a way to achieve what I want. Tell me which way to Google.

How do I open the spreadsheet in a new Chrome tab from GAS and go to it?

Actually, the question is in the name of the topic. I tried it like this , but it didn't work: SpreadsheetApp.openById(OrderSpreadSheet); So it opens the file on the server, but how in the browser?

Extending a formula to new rows in a column (arrayformula)

I can't beat Google Tables so that my formula is added to all new rows and the data from the formula is taken from the cells ... in the AG column I scored the formula with my hands, it works correctly In the AH column through the array-it does not work.

How do I compare two tables by article?

There are two Google tables, with different number of rows and different sorting in each table there is a column "Article". You need to extract only those lines that match the Article and present them in this form for price comparison:

I can't import this site

Error: Link invalid What do I want to import? This number nam ... ata into the gulg table.

JSON. stringify converts the time from MSK to GMT

JSON. stringify converts the date-time in Moscow time format, for example, "Sat Apr 25 2020 10:12:42 GMT+0300 (MSK)", and to ... any time correction (such as getTimezoneOffset ()), but to solve it systemically at the level of formats or project settings.

Color the cell depending on the value

Two numbers are added to the cell: the first is 1 or 2, the second is from 1 to 90. Depending on the first number, you need t ... d number. For example: 1,45 - red cell, the value 45 remains 2,32-green cell, the value remains 32 How can this be done?