
Configuring the PUG Template Engine

Such a question, is it possible to somehow configure PUG so that it would format the code at the output not in one large line ... роительство домов и коттеджа"/><span>Строительство домов и коттеджа</span></a></div> </div>

How to convert png or jpg to webp in webpack

For Gulp, there is a gulp-webp plugin that converts images to a format .webp Is there an analog for webpack and how to use it?

Help with building GULP

There was a problem-a ghost that appeared just out of nowhere. In general, my GULP build lives quietly, but when saving chang ... p.series('clean', 'export')) . And also, I attach a photo of the file structure of the project. THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!

How to connect fontawesome to gulp?

I try to connect fontawesome to the gulp collector, but I have some problem with connecting fonts. Please tell me where I mak ... dress contains "webfonts", this path is specified in one of the scss files, i.e. for some reason I do not connect the font.

The gulp build doesn't work

Выдает ошибку: "C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe" "C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\bin\npm-cli.js" run dev --script ... 0", "gulp-less": "^4.0.1", "gulp-sourcemaps": "^2.6.5", "gulp-uglify": "^3.0.2", "smart-grid": "^2.1.2" } }

Gulp src-mask for selected elements

Good day to all. I use the site on jekyll. There's a catch. When creating a post in the _posts folder, I also create a subfol ... ns. In the documentation, Gulp. src did not find any mask filters. Perhaps there is a ready-made tool in jekyll ? Thanks.

Gulp overclocks the CPU

The first time I change the code with the local host open, the page I'm editing starts flickering, and RAM and CPU are also o ... imgcompress)), gulp.series(gulp.series(cleanstyle, cleanjs, cleanimg)); gulp.task('default', gulp.series('build', 'watch'));

Gulp + Rollup | Error after building the project

I used pure Gulp and when compiling, I got the output code of the following type: class useShowPassword { constructor(bu ... le in the project. Upd: The code itself, it works, I just can't access the class, because it is framed after using Rollup'a

How to fix errors in the gulp + webpack build (core-js/fn/function)

The Chrome browser. Initially, the build worked, now it doesn't. Deleting dist and node-modules, restarting tried again. I wi ... } })) .pipe(gulp.dest(dist)); }); gulp.task("default", gulp.parallel("watch", "build"));

How do I fix the throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event error when starting the build?

Gulp development [14:01:37] Using gulpfile ~\Desktop\rarus-test-master\rarus-test-master\gulpfile.js [14:01:37] Starting 'sty ... 170 throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event ^ Error: "java" �� ���� ����७��� ��� ���譥� ��������, ���塞�� �ண��� ��� ������ 䠩���.

Problem with running gulp. Script execution is disabled on this system

When you start gulp gives an error that is shown in the screenshot. gulp itself is installed both locally and globally.

The local gulp server does not start

When opening the project, an error appeared after the gulp command: Unable to upload file C:\Users\disigner\AppData\Roaming\ ... ndows shell, it is restricted, I can not change the command in the terminal, writes that access to the registry key is denied

connecting axios to vue when using gulp

I recently started working with vue and previously everything that I connected to the project immediately worked, for example ... ferent options, maybe not the standard ones. even if it is not a fact that it will help, please give options in the comments.

How to make friends with Gulp and its browser-sync with PHP?

How to make friends with Gulp and its browser-sync with PHP? WHAT YOU NEED TO CHANGE IN gulpfile.js so that it updates the pa ... , 'browser-sync', 'watch')) : gulp.task('default', gulp.parallel('styles', 'scripts', 'browser-sync', 'watch')); };

How do I connect squoosh to the mail collector?

Please tell me how to use squoosh for mass image compression ? Perhaps someone is already using a plugin, say for gulp ? *I m ... 5, progressive: true, but for some time I started noticing that the quality deteriorated. Share the build, who is not greedy.

GULP and browser update when changed in JS

There is a Gulp build, everything works fine, except for one nuance. Sometimes when you change the Js files, the assembly sto ... 'html', 'font-woff', 'font-eot', 'font-woff2', 'images' ) ); //запускает все перечисленные задачи разом

Gulp build for IE11

A website was created using gulp. The trouble is that in IE, the scripts do not work, although it seems that everything you n ... /*.php' ]).on('change', browserSync.reload); }); gulp.task('default', gulp.series('compileCSS', 'compileJS', 'watch'));

When you run localhost, the site skeleton written in HTML is displayed, but the styles are not

In the html file, I connected the css file via the Link command. I also tested the connection between css and html files thro ... .watch("src/*.html").on("change", browserSync.reload); }); gulp.task('default', gulp.parallel('watch', 'server','styles'));

npm i gulp-sass --save-dev error

Please tell me what to do. or how to install sass E:\test>npm i gulp-sass --save-dev Npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: r ... not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above. Npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:

templates fall off after changing html or css in gulp-file-include

Hello everyone, I use gulp in the layout and faced with such a problem.I installed the gulp-file-include package, configured ... ; gulp.task('default', gulp.parallel('watch', 'server', 'styles','scripts','fonts','fileinclude','html','icons','images'));