
Disabling hover

I mean in css hover. I'm trying to turn it off in jquery: $(this).off("mouseenter mouseleave"); $(this).unbind("mouseenter mouseleave"); I tried 2 ways. Both don't work. Why?

Jquery Calendar

I connected it to the calendar, in the file myscript.js prescribed $(document).ready(function(){ $( "#date" ).datepic ... ed); /* Прячем календарь */ $("#date").DatePickerHide(); } }); Then nothing is displayed in the field.

jQuery-find an element by text

You need to find the element on the page by the text value. There is a selector contains, but it looks for essentially the oc ... r". So, contains will return both of these elements as a result, and you need to get only the last one. How can this be done?

Send photo and json together to the backend

I need to send a photo and json from the client side using one ajax, so that then in the server side, get the json text, wher ... 1606067372/lfvr9xxarnbegsp2ins7.png', size: 3299, filename: 'lfvr9xxarnbegsp2ins7' } How do I send both photos and json?

What is the difference between var a and var $a in javascript?

Good afternoon! More and more often in js scripts I encounter variable declarations using the dollar sign, i.e. instead of a ... hem. This is just for convenience is it being done, or does it provide something additional from a functional point of view?

How do I "close" a div in javascript when clicking outside of this diva?

When you click on a certain control, a div with the text of the hints appears on the screen. The diva has a "close" button. B ... t to close not only by clicking on the button, but also outside the area of this div. Can you tell me how to implement this?

Modal window, multiple images

There are, say, three pictures. It is necessary that when you click on the image, a modal window opens, where it will be like ... lass="close">X</div> </div> </body> <script src="app.js"></script> </html>

Izimodal does not update the information in the window when using ajax

A bit of background: I started using the iziModal library, everything seems to be fine, but there was an incomprehensible cas ... dal.stopLoading(); } }); } }); $("#modal2").iziModal('open'); }; </script>

Content is not displayed in the Bootstrap 4 modal window

The site previously worked on bootstrap 3, after it was updated to version 4 of Bootstrap, modal windows stopped working in i ... e in the code inspector. How to make a "type of migration" or can someone be able to direct/help solve this problem. Thanks.

How to capture src=" " from img via JS?

How do I capture src="" from <img class="img-val">via JS and add it to <li> as an attribute of data-src=""? I tri ... t; <img src="vk.com/vk.png" class="img-val"> </div> </div> </li> </ul>

jQuery-Put the data attributes of several active checkboxes in the div

It turned out to output to the console, but it does not work to put it in the div(preferably separated by commas) $('.ca ... gt; <div class="calc-total3-1"> <div class="item">тут нужно вывести активные чекбоксы</div> </div>

Show hidden text on hover

Tell me, please, there is a code. When you click on the button, the text is copied, how to make the hidden text from data-cli ... 1,5 секунды window.setTimeout(function(){e.clearSelection();}, 1500); }); </script> </body> </html>

Smooth scrolling to the jQuery anchor

Hello, I'm still just learning...I don't catch up a bit, in general, there is a menu on the page <ul> <li><a c ... desired section at the same time changed accordingly. I will be glad to receive any advice, hints and instructions. Thank you

Animating the appearance of Jquery text

Please tell me how to make the text appearance animation if the text changes using Jquery: $(function () { $("#button").hover(function (e) { $("#text").text("text1");

Jquery and the pseudo-class:after

Hello everyone. Please tell me, is there a selector in Jquery for accessing elements with the pseudo-class "after"? Or how can I access such an element to change the CSS property?

Events on the back, forward button

Hello, there is a popUp window and that's when the url opens will change using history.pushState(data,title, url); When I c ... window.location.hash.substring(1); alert(hash); This one didn't work. I can't find any materials in Google at all:(

Links on the page don't open when jQuery is enabled

I make up a simple website in HTML and CSS. Everything works, but when you connect the script: <script type="text/javas ... ab" What could be the problem? Tomorrow is the deadline, I have been thinking about the problem for 3 days, I hope for help.

Mouseout() jquery

Good afternoon. I'm trying to make something like a menu on jquery. When I hover the cursor over the links, the menu closes(i ... s).hide("drop",{direction:"left"},"slow"); $("#openmenu").show("slide",1500); }); Http://jsfiddle.net/pic0/Yscpn/18/ Thanks!

Locking a block to a specific location when scrolling

Hello, I need to fix the block when scrolling, when top= = 165; I do this: $(window).scroll(function () { if ($(this).scr ... o reach top:0; namely, on top 165, I immediately fixed how to achieve this result, I can't find materials in Google, tell me.

Getting onclick with jQuery

Please help me figure out, I can't get the value onclick. There is a link of the form <span class="flist-values" id="flis ... <input type="checkbox" id='+i+' name='+cf1+' value='+cf2+'>'; $("#flist-values-other"+i).html(htmlrepl); }); });