
What is the difference between variables in jQuery c $ and without

What is the difference between variables of the form: var this_obj=$("div"); и var $this_obj=$("div"); More interested in the use of such variables, in what cases and why?

files are not uploaded to the server from the php handler file

I do not understand why the files are not uploaded to the server in the folder. From html, I accept data from the feedback fo ... /.thm-btn contact-one__btn --> </div><!-- /.row --> </form>

How can I animate the movement of an object behind my finger? With the mouse, it works without problems, but with the wheelbarrow, nothing could be found

var x; var y; $(document).ready(function() { $("body").mousemove(function(e) { handleMouseMove(e); }); docume ... ibs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <div class="circle" style="background:red;" id="circle"></div>

How the Diffie-Hellman algorithm works for chat

I want to do secure messaging in a closed chat room. There can be up to 10 people in the room. I can't figure out how I can m ... y the encrypted message and it simply passes it to others. If you can write a pseudocode or an example, how can this be done?

fetch GET method. Request with GET/HEAD method cannot have body

Data from the server can only be processed by a GET request. I can't use Ajax, because there are problems with the policy. le ... d cannot have body. If you write a POST, everything works, but the data in the result = undefined Where did I make a mistake?

Rounding a number [duplicate]

This question has already been answered here: ... Closed 1 a year ago. Hello. Is it possible to use jquery to round up, say, 7.6545454 to 8? thanks.

Bootstrap nav nav-pills inside slick slider

Using slick slider + Bootstrap 4 There is such a markup: if ($('.nav-pills').length) { $('.nav-pills').each(function() ... s active (all are highlighted in blue). Question: How do I switch the active class on bootstrap tabs inside the slick slider?

slick + wow js animation

There is a horizontal site that works through slick and works on a block-by-block basis. It is necessary that, when scrolling ... ts immediately start the animation. <script> new WOW({ offset: 100 }).init(); </script>

Slick-carousel inside flex

If the slick-carousel is inside the flex wrapper, then when scrolling, the slides disappear and the width of the carousel its ... nsform: translate(0, -50%); } .arrowRight { position: absolute; top: 50%; right: -7vw; } .purple { color: #9770b6; }

How to artificially trigger an event assigned to an element in jquery?

Let's say an event is assigned to some element: $('#someelement').click(function() { // обработчик события 1 }); And you ... own(function() { // обработчик события 2 // а вот здесь надо вызвать обработчик события 1. }); How can this be done?

Simple IDE for JavaScript [closed]

Closed. It is impossible to give an objective answer to this question . Answers to it are not accepted at the moment. ... t-in browser (or launch an external browser). If I did jQuery in general would be super. P.S. The blockhead is 11 years old!

Javascript syntax-analogous to jquery syntax

JQuery has the syntax $("#idelem") $(".classelem") $(tag) What is the syntax in javascript (how to access the DOM element)?

Pros and cons of connecting third-party JS libraries from third-party resources by simply referring to the resource

For example, like this <script type="text/javascript" src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js"></script>

Laravel does not see locally attached js files, but only sees CDNs.

Hello everyone. I do not really like to connect to sites from the outside, but in the case of laravel, I did not find any oth ... tps://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/slick-carousel/1.8.1/slick.min.js"></script> @endsection Thank you in advance!

How do I make a share button in Yandex. direct on Instagram?

One company made a mobile app and they have a share button in yandex. direct but I'm looking everywhere I can't find how to do it for the site

Online website layout builder

I set myself this task: To write something like a service that helps to assemble a simple website from ready-made pieces. The ... tput the preview via an iframe. If there is an option to make it easier or more competent, then I am waiting for your advice.

How to perform cross-domain json exchange?

Tried to make a request to the parcel status on Http://www.russianpost.ru/tracking20/OperationHistory.js.aspx?Id=RF224661454 ... de.png.ashx I did it via jquery (get.json), but it doesn't work. Advised Yui from Yahoo. Can you tell me how best to do this?

How do I determine the language of the text in the form?

Jsfiddle.net There is a field where you can enter text (only Russian or English), how to determine which language, and depend ... ple of a regular rule, but I can't figure out how to use it var isCyrillic = function (text) { return /[а-я]/i.test(text); }

Form to send from Light Box

Dobra! You need to make a form to submit, which will be displayed with a lightbox. That is, by clicking on the button, a lightbox with a form to fill in will pop up. Example: http://akmetron.ru/ (call order).

Unexpected end of JSON input

I do AJAX validation of the form in jQuery and a script in PHP. I send the form handler and the AJAX request to the file sign ... origin="anonymous"></script> <script src="assets/js/script.js"></script> </body> </html>