
How to make smooth scrolling on jQuery on the Joomla site

Hello! There is a website: link text It is necessary to implement smooth scrolling on the anchors. The menu is made using the ... how to do this correctly? For the first time I encounter this simply Thank you all for your answers, everyone it turned out.

How to make a carousel photo on the site?

How to make a carousel photo, necessarily looped! the carousel should look like this: http://gyazo.com/31dc28b0dc22dc8c02e33c ... cybox" rel="gallery1" href="img/blag/'.$i.'.jpg"> <img src="img/blag/'.$i.'.jpg" height=200> </a> Thanks!

Cyclic table creation in JS

I have a json object. { "_id": "5f0f3919e9df2fb4d87d2320", "name": "Hello", "ru": "Привет", "en": "Hello", ... d>" output += jsonObj[i]["theme"]; output += "</td></tr>" } document.write(output); }

Similar animation from this site

There is a website http://dgpacker.ru/, where the photos change when the mouse cursor moves, it turns out that in order to ac ... ar how to implement it all, is there any analogue? Maybe on a 3-d chart? Perhaps some examples with Three.js, please help me.

Moving figures in the background

How to make triangles or rectangles move a little in the waiting state, and turn a little when scrolling as here in the second block P.S.: the block is called about us

Date format in js

I have a sample code: $("#curday").click(function () { var newdate; date = new Date(); newdate = date.getDate() + ... nd month have 1 digit, then a zero is automatically added in front. Please help me with these nuances. Thank you in advance.

How to display the daughters of the desired modx api + ajax resource?

What am I trying to do? There is a tree -Родитель1 --дочка1 --дочка2 -Родитель2 --дочка1 --дочка2 --дочка2... There are ... ) I specified get('pagetitle') - as a result, the correct one is output title, but with the daughters of some kind of trouble

how do I get a neighbor element of the parent 2 level of jQuery?

You need to get the "parent" class knowing any LI <div id="accordion"> <h3 class="parent">{{$catego ... </ul> </div> </div>

Why does a double click occur when a label is clicked?

There are stylized radio buttons. You need to execute the js function on the click, but it is executed twice. Why does a doub ... t; <span class="radio"></span> Более 30 тыс. руб. </label> </div> :

Jquery Menu Toggle Switch Hide Element fa fa-bars

Please help, I can't hide the icon of the closing menu under the hamburger, so that it appears when you click on the toggle s ... </ul> </div> </nav> </header> </div> </body> </html>

How do I avoid entering the numbers 7 and 8 when filling in a JQ Masked Input phone number?

$(function(){ $('.js-phone-field').mask('999-999-99-99'); }); It is necessary that the numbers 7 and 8 are not included in the input when typing... naturally, if it is the first 7 or 8.

I can't style input type= "file" the plugin is not picked up jquery.fileinput.min.js

I decided to try to style input type="file" for my player. I found various articles and decided to resort to the simplest met ... ng) no-repeat; width: 60px; height: 40px; } Why it does not catch the plugin jquery.fileinput.min.js please tell me?

Double negation in jquery

Is there a double negation in jquery? And then such conditions pile up the code. if (index_i == 0) { index_i = 1; } else { index_i = 0; } Want: index_i = !!index_i; I don't want to use ternary ones either.

Checking for the existence of an element

Hello. The page contains a link with id='offers' When you click on this link, it should load div with class='ajax_block'. Pr ... x({ url: 'offers.html', success: function(data) { $('.ajax_block').append(data); } }); } });

Animation of opening a fan of cards

Please tell me how to make animation in js when hovering over the blocks. The initial position of the blocks in Figure 1, the final position, approximately, in the figure 2. Thanks.

Parallax doesn't work in jquery

I make a parallax effect on the site. But for some reason, it does not correctly count the number of pixels by which the bloc ... y.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="script.js"></script> </body> </html>

Download a user-uploaded JavaScript file

The essence of the problem. There is <input type="file">. The user clicks and selects the file. After selecting the fi ... nonsense. However, the client requires this functionality. I'm confused, maybe someone has some ideas? Thank you in advance.

How do I find the index of a character in a string?

Hi! I need to find the index of a character in a string. There is a function indexOf that is perfect, but it doesn't work in ie7. What other options are there? (on jquery will also go) Thanks.

Buttons in the dialog box

Can someone tell me how to connect the buttons to the dialog box. Infa hence. A piece of my non-working code <script typ ... lways at the bottom of the text, although it should be in the window. And with the buttons I did not understand how to do it.

Sending form data by link using js/jquery

How to send the form data by a POST request link. I.e. instead of <input type="submit" />. You need <a> with some ... be sent if the link is assigned some class, for example. post, and the task will be performed by jQuery Thank you in advance.