
Need a slider like on skype.com

I searched, but I didn't find anything suitable (cross-browser).: (

A good manual on jQuery, for noobs istessna [closed]

Closed. It is impossible to give an objective answer to this question . Answers to it are not accepted at the moment. ... ones windows with darkening, working with images, hiding / showing text areas, etc. Wildly sorry for the stupid question :)

Calendar and output of the day of the week PHP

I took this calendar. And made 2 inputs with a choice of date range. I have a code that makes this range $d1 = date('d.m' ... $d2 = date('d.m', strtotime($_POST["date2"])); $dates = range($d1,$d2); Now I need it to output what day of the week it is.

Plupload file upload plugin

Hello! For multiple file uploads, I'm trying to use the plupload plugin. The plugin works well, but now after selecting the ... alert('You must queue at least one file.'); } return false; }); }); </script>

BxSlider custom setup

There are n number of sliders, auto scrolling works on the sliders. It is necessary that the auto scroll works in turn in the ... d navigation. BxSlider is selected, here is the slider API: http://bxslider.com/options Example: http://jsfiddle.net/McZ97/4/

optimizing the loading of the vk like widget

I use the vkontakte widget in the layout, I checked the page on google page speed, the result decreased significantly. < ... ton"}); </script> Tell me how you can load it deferred, after loading the page or before scrolling to the vk button.

Refresh the page in 1 second using jquery

Hello. I need to refresh the page after one second when I click on it, how do I do this? $('.link a').click(function(){ location.reload(); });

Scroll to the next section by clicking on the link with the malihu page scroll to id plugin

There is such markup and a plugin for navigating through sections page-scroll-to-id : if ($(".m_PageScroll2id").length) ... id="sec-3">3</div> </main> Question: how can I click on the "next" button and go to the next section?

Unexpected end of input

Hello everyone. There is such a code: var getChat = setInterval(function(){ $.post("/chat.php?case=GetAll", function(data ... urns 10-20 array elements Such nonsense is only seen in Chrome so far. It is treated by closing the tab and opening a new one

How can I check the correct keyboard layout?

Good night. Today on Yandex I saw such a chip, when you start entering a password using the Russian keyboard layout, a red inscription appears "Change the layout " . How can this be implemented? How can I check the correct keyboard layout?

The code works on the fiddle, but I don't.

That is, I just play the video and under the video time is not counted and does not stop itself. So for some reason jquery do ... nd took a link from Google, and from an off site). I also clicked on the jquery file in the source code and it went normally.

Document.ready doesn't work

Gentlemen, tell me why such a thing may not work out: $(document).ready(function(){ console.log('ok'); }); In ... oes not issue errors (firebug)? This code works correctly: $(window).load(function(){ console.log('load ok'); });

js window. location.reload() takes a very long time to reload the page

There is a form and a datatable in it. I send the form to the server using the POST method using ajax. After receiving a resp ... k'){ window.location.reload(true); } $('#overlay').fadeOut(); } }); });

Not defined by $ COOKIE via ajax

In the file script.js. The first part sets cookies // установка куки $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "name.php" }); File ... o $newname; In the browser, the cookie itself appears, but through the file name.php not defined. What could be the problem?

why does the toFixed(2) function not work in the promise? JS works separately

fetch("https://api.privatbank.ua/p24api/pubinfo?json&exchange&coursid=5") .then(function(resp){ ... ipt> </head> <body> <div class="links kurs"></div> </body> </html> Thank you

Reboot and redirect to jQuery

How can I perform a reboot and redirect with a timer?

Why are the characters in the address bar of a variable in the form of html code

I have variables in the address bar for some reason look like its html code, such as commas, semicolons, quotes, etc. I.e. if ... bols ... Although I see on sites where everything is displayed normally ?sort=popular&price=6800;11200&size=58;46;44

The value of dataset jquery and dataset JS is different

Today I came across something that I don't understand. Perhaps this is due to the specifics of Jquery, but I am very interest ... ss="button button-one" data-multy='1'>Кнопка 1 </div> <div class="button" data-multy='2'>Кнопка 2 </div>

How do I add localization to the datapicker calendar in pure js?

There is a calendar datapicker on pure javascript. document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => { if (datepi ... 1, isRTL: false, showMonthAfterYear: false, yearSuffix: "" }; datepicker.setDefaults( datepicker.regional.ru );

Are there ready-made functions for checking the password for reliability?

In the English-language stackowerflow, I read that the best solution is Password Strength Checker. But apparently, oddly from ... there a ready-made furction, which would pass the password, and the output, conditionally, returned simple, normal, complex?