
How do I change the default file manager in Ubuntu?

How do I make sure that the default is not nautilus, but a different file manager?

openvpn route add windows problems

Hello. Such a problem:There is an openvpn server(linux, IP and many clients (win xp) connecting to it.On mos ... 0 Please tell me what the problem may be. P.S:All external IP addresses are fictitious and coincidences with them are random.

Write a route through an IP address that is not in my subnet

There are two servers. Primary (Gentoo) and secondary (virtual/Centos). The main one has an external IP A. A. A. A, the auxil ... server as the gateway, because it is not in the subnet of the main server. I would be grateful for any information. Thank you

How do I ask fdisk to start partitioning a new partition with cylinders instead of sectors?

I want to specify the cylinders starting from the first, and not the sector (the last line of the piece from bash) and I do n ... , 4 free) e extended Select (default p): p Partition number (1-4, default 1): 1 First sector (2048-7856127, default 2048):

PHP development environment for Ubuntu

Hello! In the end, I got tired of editing php and js files in Notepad++ and debug in Denwer - I decided to switch to a more ... ploying the environment. If someone tells you the environment for the usual Windows, then I will be grateful for the same!

psql: error: could not connect to server: could not connect to server: No such file or directory

postgres@vosmottor-H370M-DS3H:~$ psql psql: error: could not connect to server: could not connect to server: No such file or ... cket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"? I put it like this: sudo apt install postgresql postgresql-contrib How to fix it?

The ls command does not work. Clear Linux

The ls command does not work. Here is the console output: bash: ls: command not found Before that, I cleaned the cache. Maybe that's the problem. Please help me. Thank you in advance.

Cyrillic formatting in C++ when output to the terminal via cout

In the book by R. Laforet " OOP in C++" there is an example of code in which the Cyrillic alphabet is present: #include <i ... using setw(). Is there any example or solution to this issue - formatting the Cyrillic alphabet? My result in the terminal:

/usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: failed to get canonical path of 'overlay'

After installing Windows on a Linux hard drive, my MBR flew. I searched and searched, and found a way to put GRUB in its plac ... /usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: failed to get canonical path of `overlay'. How to solve it? Or am I writing the wrong commands?

Are Kali, Parrot Security safe?

I found an interesting comment in an article on Habr: Where can I read what he's talking about?I want to understand what he is talking about, and how it works. Link to article

liboping error operation not allowed

I wrote such a function, used liboping linux, gives an error, maybe someone knows how to fix QString msg; ... msg += ping_get_error(pingobj); ui->textEdit->setText(msg); } ping_destroy(pingobj);

sh does not see Java Virtual Machine on Debian 10

There was a need to install one program on Debian 10, but during the installation I encountered this $ sh Cytoscape_3_7_2_un ... sful. What can I do, why sh does not see JAVA ? Thank you in advance and I apologize if I called something by the wrong name.

How to find out the settings received via DHCP

How do I find out all the settings received via DHCP? Using ifconfig, I only see the ip and the mask: user@userMashine:~$ ifc ... I would like to see the default gateway, the primary and secondary DNS servers , and the name of the computer on the network.

In NGINX find out the authorized name of the user who went to the closed directory of the site

Made a closed directory. http { server{ listen 80; server_name; root /var/www/html; auth_basic "Введ ... atabase records user actions. How do I find out the name of the authenticated user in order to display the desired data page?

List of disks connected to the machine

How do I view the list of disks (i.e. /dev/sda, /dev/sdb, and so on) that are attached to the machine?

I can't add the Emmet extension for Brackets on Linux Mint Cinnamon

Click on the Extension icon. The download icon starts spinning endlessly. Maybe there are other ways to install emmet?

C# compiler on Ubuntu/Debian

The question may be primitive. But there is some C# compiler for server Ubuntu/Debian, so that you can run the file from the console. Just what I was looking for on the Internet - > led to Visual Studio Code, but you need it in the console.

How to connect an android phone to Kali linux

I have a problem connecting the phone to the virtual machine where Kali linux is located, Windows sees the phone, but Linux does not see it. What to do?

How do I create a hash and sign it using the cryptcp utility in CryptoPro?

I need to calculate the hash amount using GOST R 34.11-2012, and then sign the hash amount using GOST R 34.10-2012. Tell me w ... -cont '\\.\HDIMAGE\te-f9172e97-7dec-4b7c-a6d1-e11fadd1e993' -keytype exchange -in /tmp/hash_kOdlsl -out /tmp/hash_kOdlsl.sig

Installing Composer on a hosting service

Hello. I would like to install the framework on the host via composer. The problem is that I don't understand where to enter commands like "php composer.phar install". Hosting on Linux.