
Recording via System Calls C# Mono Linux

Trying to write an integer value to the Linux system address /sys/class/backlight/backlight/brightness I use Mono Posix ... figure out how to write the value to sys/class.... It is also not clear how one can read the address from the Path constant.

Installing Linux on an hp laptop

Tell me what the problem is. There was an HP 15-ba548ur laptop. Fedora worked on it without any problems. I purchased a lapto ... ng it often freezes, you have to restart from the button power supply. I do not put it next to windows, but only one system.

Yii 2 Console

Hello, there is a problem with the console in yii 2 I did the following according to the manual Application: Basic //config/c ... ption' with message 'Unknown" store/test " command.' in /home/dogmar/www/yii2/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/console/Application.php:162

Programming under Linux in Delphi

I want to switch to Linux, but I haven't decided on which one yet. I program in Delphi myself, so I don't know if Linux suppo ... it has not been updated for a long time and therefore is outdated, are there normal Delphi development environments in Linux?

How do I add a path to the $PATH variable?

How do I add the path to the gcc compiler (/usr/gcc/4.4/bin) to the $PATH variable in linux?

Create a directory with the current date name

You need to create a directory as the current date. I wrote such a function cddate () { local newdir newdir=$(date +%Y.%m.%d) mkdir $newdir cd $newdir } Is it possible to do the same without using a variable?

Can I write directly to syslog?

Is it possible to write directly to /dev/log as in /dev/stdout? For example so: echo test > /dev/log I get an error: Bash: log: There is no such device or address. If it's even possible, what am I doing wrong?

How to run sh scripts correctly?

When running hadoop sh scripts, I am constantly asked for the root password (I did not perform any manipulations with the r ... t turns out that I can run the sh script as sh <scriptName>, or I can just <scriptName>. What's the difference?

GTK3 and pressing the keyboard "C-GNU / LINUX"

How in GTK can I get the value of the pressed key (which key the user pressed) and then display it on the screen? As far as ... &i); __чтобы в переменную "i" помещалась буква которую я нажал__ g\_printf("button-press-event, %i \n", i); }

Exit EFI Shell mode to start windows

There is a tablet Onda on Androide, with Windows, Windows does not boot, efi shell version 2.31 appears and it does not work out and Windows 10 does not boot, how to exit, do I need a bootloader with Windows on a flash drive for this?

How can I check the work of authorization in Linux for monitoring in Zabbix?

There is a problem: when entering the server in the domain, if you disable the ability to log in under the local UZ, there is ... eed to log in to the server, but this happens manually, and I would like to configure it through some script or Zabbix tools.

Executing a command in the Kali Nethunter shell

I want to run the metasploit command in the kali terminal shell, something like this su-c "bootkali & & msfconsole" b ... t the bootkali command ends only after closing the terminal and I need to run the command inside it. How do I implement this? files

There is a set of c-files with the extension .c: avl_tree.c, buf_read.c, db_prep. c, file_process. c, global_header. c, trave ... r/gcc/4.4/bin/include folder with the exception of jni. h, and the libraries are located in the /usr/gcc/4.4/bin/lib folder.

Linux. Xlib. Draw a transparent rectangle inside the window

The global goal is to draw a simple orange border on the desktop, something like this: The idea behind my implementation is ... window? Something I could not find on the Internet examples or xlib tools that can be applied to solve this problem problems.

Openfire installation, database creation

Setting openfire to ubuntu 16.04. Mysql version 15.1, distrib 10.0.38-MariaDB, version openfire 4.5.3. Reached the step where ... exist After that, the show tables command does not show the list of tables, so nothing was unloaded. How to deal with this?

The commands reboot, dhclient, usermod, etc. do not work in Linux Debian10 on VirtualBox

I installed Debian 10 on VirtualBox 6. I made an apt update - everything seems to have passed the norms. Next, under root, I ... eboot, usermod. I tried to search for them through whereis-search for them. I can't understand why the commands don't work?

Checking the existence of a file

Need a bash script that takes 1 parameter, i.e. I call it ./script filename And it checks if the file exists and outputs a message that the file either exists or not, you can name it

What should a novice Linux network administrator know?

Tell me, please, what should a novice Linux network administrator know, in addition to knowledge of the RFC?

The program does not work on Linux

# (change case) меняет раскрадку с ENG на РУС(и наоборот) посредством буфера обмена. import pyperclip eng_chars = "~!@ ... ote the text on the wrong layout, copy this text to the clipboard, run the program and paste the normal text from the buffer.