
How do I save an xlsx file to a pdf?

Hello everyone The question is: how can I save it in PDF format via Excel? Or maybe another way to somehow convert? Here is t ... s://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/office/vba/api/ex ... SaveAsFixedFormat fails. How is it correct to write a save to PDF? Thanks!

You need to extract the Russian text from the pdf

You need to extract all the text from the given PDF file. I use the following code: import PyPDF4 pdf_file = open('1.pdf', ... ct the text from an English-language file, everything went as it should). How can I extract Cyrillic text from a PDF file?

PDF and DOCX parser

Hello. Tell me, is there a ready-made program that can parse tables in PDF and DOCX?

Generating pdf from html by mpdf or dompdf library

I created an html document file that should be converted to pdf, and sent to the mail, the problem is that when generating it ... ast more adequately than dompdf, it is generally a problem with it. In the application, how it should be, and what happens.

How to convert EXCEL to PDF in java?

Is there an easy way to convert excel documents (of various sizes), to a pdf file, without any changes in appearance?

How do I create a pdf file and send it by eMail using Spring MVC^?

The report file in pdf format should be automatically generated on the server and sent by eMail. What are the options for f ... ou need to draw graphs and tables)? Maybe Spring provides some special classes? How do I attach this file to the sent eMail?

JavaScript Problem with PDF file encoding

Help solve the encoding problem for exporting data in PDF format. Instead of Russian words, it outputs incomprehensible chara ... le); doc.autoTable({ html: data}); doc.save("Звіт.pdf"); e.preventDefault(); }); Still a mistake. Help please.

MPDF and Cyrillic

Tell me how to work with the mPDF library for displaying text in Cyrillic.

Insert a PDF file on the form. Visual Studio 2015. C error#

Help me find a solution to the problem. After I try to transfer to the form from the Adobe PDF Reader control panel, an error ... registered correctly. " What can I do? or maybe there is a way to do some other way to view the PDF file through the form.

How do I insert a picture or other PDF file in TeX/XeTeX?

How do I insert another PDF - document or image into my document? Using TeX/XeTeX without any third-party modules. Don't LaTeX.

The PDF document does not get UTF-8 encoding

I make an application on Django. You need to add the html page to the PDF document. The document is being created, but the Cy ... _callback=fetch_pdf_resources) return response #urls.py path('export_pdf/', views.export_pdf, name = 'export_pdf')

PDF to image and back using python (rasterize PDF)

There is a folder with subfolders with PDF files(one file has a different number of pages). How do I convert all pdf files to ... terization. In general, so that the PDF is not a text but a "scan" of its contents. How can this be implemented using python?

Merge multiple PDFs into one with a file selection window

Merge multiple PDFs into one, their number is not constant, as they are most often located in different directories Here is m ... close() In this case, the following error already appears TypeError: expected str, bytes or os.PathLike object, not tuple

How to insert an image into a PDF so that it doesn't overlap anything

How to insert an image into a PDF file so that it checks whether the image overlaps the text, the location of the empty space ... andle[0] # добавить изображение first_page.insertImage(image_rectangle, filename=barcode_file) file_handle.save(output_file)

Convert fb2 to pdf in Python

I started learning Python, I want to make a converter for books from fb2 to pdf. I tried several options from the Internet, t ... file, FileFormat=wdFormatPDF) doc.Close() word.Quit() Is there any way to convert to pdf given all the above requirements?

How to set a Russian font in GhostScript?

I make automatic text input to PDF. (The user writes his data in the Web form, and he should be sent a PDFNIK with this data, ... it like this: gs -q -dNOPAUSE -dSAFER -dBATCH -sOutputFile=out.pdf -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sPAPERSIZE=a4 text.ps shablon.pdf

Delete and rotate PDF pages using PHP

I ran into a problem: I need a library for working with existing PDF files. You need to create a mini PDF editor with the fun ... rotating and deleting pages . There are third-party console applications. But it is interesting to implement this using PHP

Conversion.jpg. pdf

Study. Often there is a need to glue a series of jpg to pdf and send a report to the teacher. Now I use the imagemagick - con ... r libraries (tk byte-by-byte write to a file starting with the header well, it will kill laziness) - I will be very grateful.

Viewing djvu and pdf files without using third-party software

Tell me the components for viewing djvu and pdf files. There are many components for PDF, but I didn't find one for djvu. The ... libdjvulibre.dll, but the description of the methods was not found. ActiveX, do not offer installation of TWebBrower plugins

PHP mail(): How do I attach a pdf file to an email?

You need to attach a ready-made file from the server and send mail () instead of message. Or is there another solution ?