
The Audio tag in Safari. Why doesn't the code work?

Could you please clarify why this code doesn't work in Safari: <audio controls="controls"> <source src="/catcher ... g. </audio> It seems that the desired codec is connected, but the music does not play. What's wrong, please tell me?

The Iphone Video Player doesn't work

The built-in(default) video player in the iphone stopped working(everything is normal on YouTube) I turn on the video in safari The sound is coming (there is no image) What is the reason?

SVG icons disappear when you click on them in iOS Safari

I insert SVG through sprites. this is what it looks like in opera this is what it looks like in iOS Safari after clicking ... 5CYII=" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 280.1628 392.1628)"> </image> </g> </symbol> </svg>

Fixed background for Safari browser

Please tell me what you need to do to make the background image of the site (backgound) in the Safari browser fixed. backgrou ... bg-body.jpg); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-attachment: fixed; -webkit-background-attachment: !important; }

How do I remove the user icon in Safari in input?

In Safari, the user icon appears in input when editing. Adding the autocomplete="off" parameter didn't help. How can I solve this problem?

Alternative extensions for safari

In chrome and in firebox there are excellent applications for translation link. Select the text, an icon appears, or use hot ... f of the functionality. Or the default Makovsky dictionary translates only by word. Is there something worthy of attention?

Vendor prefixes for Safari

Please help me fix the broken flex on safari. Everything works fine in all browsers, but something doesn't work out in safar ... ; </section> </nav> </div> Help me in any way you can, good people!

Image without quality-Safari

Image of the logo of the site on which I am developing loses quality when I open the site in Safari. Has anyone been through this and knows how to solve?

Is it possible to simulate safari on windows? [closed]

closed. this question is out of scope and is not currently accepting answers. ... if you have how use safari without necessarily using a MAC. The purpose is to inspect the element and solve problems in CSS.

Images do not load on safari and iphone [closed]

closed . This question needs details or to be clearer and is not currently accepting answers. ... I finished a site in Wordpress and the same does not load the images in both Safari and Iphone.

Display block does not work in Safari

I'm trying to change the css of a loading via javascript. The element is like display:none and when I am going to submit I c ... following is the excerpt of the code in question: / I appreciate it now.

Special characters in bold only in Safari

Special characters like ã or ç are getting bold only in Safari version 13. The site is with the meta tag utf-8 <meta char ... ormation çõ es... Select the options ss... As I mentioned, this happens only in Safari, by chrome and IE everything is ok.

Card flip css/js effect does not work in safari

I have a simple code that I developed, from a card flip effect, example below. Works on Google quiet, but I found that in sa ... ote: the error happens only in safari. Note: I have this code in codepen if it helps