Beginner: C# recursive function

Help for a recursive function that prints the average of the elements in a list of integers and the number of elements larger ... ue a média"); } } } return soma / qtdNumero; } }

Ternary relationship of entities in a relational schema would be counter-normative, and how to do this mapping in entity framework 6?

Taking as an example: We can abstract the relationship in several ways, one of them would be putting n p/ N relationship ... rojectEmployee' with table 'EMP_SKILL_PROJ' was already defined. Each EntitySet must refer to a unique schema and table.

What is the difference between C# and ASP.NET?

What's the big difference about the ASP.Net what about C#? I program in C # for desktop, but I can not understand. Is C # pr ... top (Windows Forms Application) identical to C# used in web programming? And is the C # used in web programming equal to ASP?

How to run a flash file (.swf) on one page ASP.NET?

I have an application ASP.NET WebForms and want to know how to run a flash file (.swf), in a one-page div ASP.NET.

Error 174-the event will only be accepted after the start date of the employer's obligation to eSocial

I would like to know if anyone else gets this error when sending the "S-1000" to the restricted production environment, and h ... </ocorrencias> </processamento> </retornoEvento> </eSocial> </retornoEvento>

ASP.NET MVC - how to upload a file with more than 5mb using ajax?

I am using the following code to upload files: HTML: <form action="/Employee/FileUpload?UnityId=1&amp;ObjectId=1" ... d and no error message is displayed. Is there any limit to uploading files using this method? How can I solve this problem?

How to show a message on the screen, if there are no records to be brought from the database?

I want to show a message on the screen instead of showing an empty table. How do I implement this logic in index.cshtml? @ ... } } </td> </tr> } </tbody> </table>

Inconsistent accessibility: parameter type " value "is less accessible than method" value"

Inconsistent accessibility: parameter type "IClientManager "is less accessible than method" ClienteController.ClientContro ... t.State == EntityState.Added) { _context.SaveChanges(); } return result.Entity; } }

Multiple files to upload [duplicate]

this question already has an answer here : ... I'm looking for a Jquery plugin that uploads multiple files at the same time. Does anyone know of any to inform me?

System.Web.HttpException: 'DataBinding:' System.Collections.DictionaryEntry ' does not contain a property with the name

I'm making a system in .vb, in it I use a HASHTABLE called returnows On the Home page.aspx.vb I do a dataBind on a front ... yEntry' não contém uma propriedade com o nome 'LOGO_EMP_64'.' Would anyone know how to help me? I don't know much about it

Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject pulling the @

I am performing the Schema for my page and I need to convert the information to print it to JSON. But the Newtonsoft.Json.Js ... type":".....","url":".......", "image":["....."] } </script> Due to this generates the following complaint:

Check if any user has logged in, and get the logged in user-core 2.1

Hello I need to check if you hear any user authentication, and after checking if any user has authenticated take the ID of th ... ute( name: "default", template: "{controller=Home}/{action=Index}/{id?}"); }); }

How to send PDF to WebService - Asp.NET

I'm having trouble sending a PDF to a Web Service. In the case, the documentation is this way: So I did the following cod ... : the token and ID are working properly, I have already tested sending only messages using another method and it is working.

Security Exception on UOL Host [closed]

closed. this question is out of scope and is not currently accepting answers. ... Factory, HostingEnvironmentParameters hostingParameters, PolicyLevel policyLevel, Appdomaincreationexception Exception) + 531

Asynchronous handler completed while asynchronous operation was pending-C#

Hello, I have some doubts regarding the code below. the code returns the following error [InvalidOperationException]: asy ... = telefone.Replace(" ", String.Empty); Task.Factory.StartNew(() => SMSAsync(telefone)); return Ok(usuarioId); }

What are the variations of ASP.NET? [duplicate]

this question already has answers here : ... or example with ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET Core, ASP.NET Razor. I got to research about, but I couldn't quite understand.

Center image in nav menu bar

How do I Center an image in the Menu bar? When I talk about centralizing, I mean not the image in the middle of the bar, but ... li> </ul> @Html.Partial("_LoginPartial") </div> </div> </div>

What is it ADO.NET to C#?

I'm starting to learn about C# for Web applications, and wanted to know what is the ADO.NET and what are the advantages of using it?

Error converting HTML to PDF

I need to make a PDF from a page HTML, but when converting I get the following error: Cannot convert an object of type ' ... rse(str); document.Close(); Response.Write(document); Response.End(); } } }

Force javascript file update without disabling cache

In a large-scale web application that I develop a disorder occurs every time updates happen, because browsers, especially Goo ... nged, without the user having to give a CTRL+F5 or clear the cache ? It is also not an option to disable the cache of pages.