
List printers on the network with PHP

I need all printers on the network to be listed in my application for configuration purposes, but until then I am finding it ... ux and did not find any solution. On Linux is it possible to list the printers installed on the server locally or networked?

Spring Boot Web App Questions - > Android

A few weeks ago I finished designing a web system that makes basic cruds, I used Java, Maven, Spring Boot, Hibernate, Bootstr ... ork.security.core.userdetails.User(user.getEmail(), user.getPassword(), user.getActive(), true, true, true, authorities); }}

How to create webservice using PHP and REST?

I've been doing a lot of research on webservices lately and would like your help to know how I can build a webservice using R ... y REST to this? If possible, leave tutorials that teach how to do or code snippets. Thank you very much for your cooperation.

Java Web Service soap with objects

Hello, I am learning to use web-services and I stopped with a problem, maybe it is something silly, but I did not find a solu ... learning the concepts, the goal is that in the application I can access with a client in C#. I thank you for your attention.

How to insert list with JPA

Good afternoon! I am making a web service that receives a Json from the application, uncaps and inserts into the database. ... T entity = (T) manager.find(aClass, id); manager.getTransaction().commit(); manager.close(); return entity; }

Is ASMX web service obsolete?

I came across the need to consume an ASMX Web Service. Until then it had only consumed RESTful APIs. I noticed that the same ... uite old. Is it recommended to use an ASMX Web Service? Does anyone still use the same to create a Web Service from scratch?

Authentication mechanism in webservice soap Java

I am building a Java webservice (wsdl) that will be consumed via SOAP. I need to implement a form of authentication in each w ... <return>Unknown User!</return> </ns2:autenticaResponse> </S:Body> </S:Envelope>

What are the main differences between SOAP, REST?

What are the main differences between these types of Web Services? in which cases do they apply? is there any difference in performance?

Android application that consumes WebService

I'm trying to create my first app to make use of a WebService, in this case I'm just trying to return a part of the informati ... on(resposta.toString(), Coins.class); Note: I omitted the getters and setters from the Model class, but they are all there.

Consuming web service wsdl.net framework 2.0

When generating the request with all the correct parameters I have the return error 307 temporary redirect. Can anyone tell me what this error represents ?

EclipseLink and JPA

I have problems trying to write information to the database, in a simple Ws with JPA, EclipseLink and Postgresql bank. I ca ... on e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } } The IDE is Netbeans 8.1 with GlassFish 4.0 and Jersey 2.25

What is the best way to create a mobile application that communicates with a Webserver?

I am developing an application mobile that should contain the same content of the site, and it is necessary that the same dat ... en a Webservice and an application mobile and this webservice needs to be "closed" to external and unauthenticated access.

Web service registered ticket Santander

I am implementing the Santander billet registration method via web service with PHP for a client. The digital certificate has ... nder.com.br/dl-ticket-services/TicketEndpointService/TicketEndpointService.wsdl" Would anyone know why this error happens ?

WebService in C# with Error 404

I'm doing maintenance on a C # project, which has WebServices. I created a new service and ran the program, it works as show ... [WebMethod] public string HelloWorld() { return "Hello World"; } } } Pictures

Customizing DB Grid with webservice data

I am creating a simple system to test the operation of Delphi with WebService REST, the first test is a search for data in th ... lumn titles get the name that arrives from the WS. I used the rest Debugger tool to do this communication from WS to Grid.


Guys, I have an app on Android that uses Google Maps API. On the map, I get data from a SQL Server Database. I need to create ... eu I encounter the following error: Com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException: column name 'distance' invalid.

Rails and Webmotors

Anyone with any experience with Rails integration with the Webmotors APi? I am using the gem SAVON to integrate the applicat ... PFault: (soap: Server) Server was unable to process request. --- >Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Is it possible to create a trigger that invokes a web service?

I am working on integrating two databases. Is a system that needs the status of employees in HR. For performance reasons, ... hat fires my process in the other system. Is it possible, then, to create a trigger in SQL Server that invokes a webService?

How to get JSON return via jQuery?

I have a link from Click to Call that returns me a JSON. How to proceed to grab the data generated in JSON via jQuery? Link: ... t/telefoneOrigem/telefoneOrigem/telefoneDestino Return in JSON: {"acctid":"1401278513.28186", "status": "0", "erro":"" }

Consume webservice of address queries of a given city

I am developing a web project I need to feed everyone with the addresses of the streets and neighborhoods of the city where I ... f someone knows a web service for this application. Obs:.I am developing using PlayFramework 1.4 and in the java language.