
React Native-ListView

Does the ReactNative ListView accept an array of arrays ? For I need to receive the API data as follows: [[{"userId":1,"use ... valid React element (or null) must be returned. You may have returned undefined, an array or some other invalid object."

Render components according to route

I am developing an application with React. I have the index file.jsx below: import React from 'react'; import { render } fr ... e; return { alert }; } const connectedApp = connect(mapStateToProps)(App); export { connectedApp as App };

What are the main differences between Angular, React and Vue.js?

In a project SPA that will soon be used also in a mobile app, I need to know what the main differences are to decide which framework I should specialize in.

How to share a property with other components in React?

Hello, I'm new to React and I have a question about sharing properties. For example, I want to have a parent component that ... omDropDown visible="false"; I would like to know how best to do this while respecting good practice. I appreciate the help!

How to comment code block in JSX (React)

I want to know if it is possible to comment a block of code inside the render () method in React, I tried every way I know of ... ão funciona --> /* Não funciona */ -- Não funciona </div> </div> ); }

React-native splash scren fabric

I created a component class with my screen of splash. And I want that after a few seconds, the navigation goes to the other s ... re('./img/logonome.png')} style={styles.imgnome} /> </View> </View> ); navigate('chat'); }

Why is it necessary to use bind when working with ES6 and ReactJS?

Using ES5 in ReactJS development, a component can be declared as follows: var MyComponent = React.createClass({ alertSome ... w operator, can anyone tell me what the real purpose of using bind is? It's something related to React's internal mechanisms?

Get response from an API that returns error 500

Next, I have an API that returns error 500 every time it violates the business rule by returning me a status and a message. W ... any way I can get the JSON that it returns to me, even if it bursts status 500? It does not fall into either then or cath

Restrictions in the React text field

Is it possible for a text field to receive only the characters below? numeros | espaço | barra (/) | traço (-) The type field number does not help me in this case, would it be cool to use the type text in this case?

How to pass sentences to a variable and then show randomly

Well, I started programming in React Native yesterday and still don't quite understand how to do things.... I need to pass a ... test2 </Text> </TouchableHighlight> </View> </View> ); }

What is reactivity in JavaScript?

I see in frameworks as Angular, Vue, React, the concept of reactivity. I'm totally layman on the subject, and for what li ... ction(){ console.log('Usuario fez alguma ação que mudou a variavel') variavel = 2 }, 5000) } Usuario() observable()

Remove focus / outline from input (CSS)

How do I remove this focus / outline from the input? This is my HTML I'm using ReactJS, Bootstrap-react <div classNam ... rmGroup> </div> </div> It looks like this when I click inside the input:

How to provide more data correctly to a FlatList?

I am building an application in React Native using the services of Firebase and Redux. Every day, I register new documents th ... no avail. Https:// Https://

Auto indentation problem when saving in VSCode

To with a problem in the auto indentation of VSCode, I have already tried to disable even so the problem remains. When saving a file VSCode automatically changes the indentation, follows the image of before saving and after saving:

Assign values of an array within a specific index of another array-React JS

I am developing a simple private chat in ReactJS and meanwhile a problem arose to solve the following situation. ... : "[email protected]", nickname: "carlos", **socketId: "BwaRW_6zF5rCwRGcAAAC"**} If anyone can help, I thank you right now!!

How to pass information from a child functional component to a React parent?

I am developing an application with React with Hooks and functional components, and I came across the following logic: I need ... ) } export default Register; The error that happens: TypeError: Cannot read property 'setRegister' of undefined

How to pass a function to another component through props?

I am trying to make an todolist with React and at the moment I have two components: TodoListApp and TodoForm. In TodoListApp ... ms is not a function As if the todoform component is not receiving the function as prop. Does anyone know what it can be?

Background image with styled-components in React invalid path?

I'm trying to use an image as the background of a page in a project in react, I thought of importing with styled-components but I couldn't succeed, it follows a print where the image is, and how I tried to call it:

My application in React da page error not found if I enter the url

Hello when I type the second url in my location the Route works leading to Page requested, but when I did the build hosted an ... ure the same does not work Giving page not found anyone know how to fix this problem? Follow attached the image of my App.js.

How to pass parameters via url to an application in React?

I have an application in .NET MVC where I use the Session to store the logged in user data. But within this application I h ... idMount() { } render() { return ( <div> </div> ); } }