
Recursive iterator

There is a recursive function for indexing directories and files. I need to create a hierarchical view of the file structure. ... enon? example of how to: 1-2-3-4-5-6-2-3-4-2-3 (ID numbers nodes). what happens: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11 And, yes, YAP - C#.

Recording via System Calls C# Mono Linux

Trying to write an integer value to the Linux system address /sys/class/backlight/backlight/brightness I use Mono Posix ... figure out how to write the value to sys/class.... It is also not clear how one can read the address from the Path constant.

C# VkNet authorization

After executing this code, the button sticks and nothing happens. VkApi vkApi = new VkApi(); private void button1_Click( ... { MessageBox.Show("+"); } } Perhaps waiting for two-factor authorization? if so, how to do

C# get the List type

To enter the function, we get the IEnumerable list object, let's say List private Type GetListType(IEnumerable list) { ... } ... ype GetListType(IEnumerable list) { return list.GetType().GetGenericArguments()[0]; } And I can't deal with the empty one.

Reverse public key encryption in c# and php

I have a c# application and a php server. The app must be activated for a fee. After activation, a request is sent to the ser ... ey). Most likely this can be implemented via rsa-1, but I don't really understand how( I will be glad to receive any hints)

Async-await in C# and Task.Wait() - how do I actually wait for the task to finish?

I'm learning to work with sync-await in C#. I want to learn the following: 1) how to link a set of asynchronous tasks in a s ... eply nested async method, and then, apparently, everything will work as I expect. Here is only as would this virtually write?

ASP projects.NET in Visual Studio Express

Hello, I was given a hand ASP.NET the project, but I have Visual Studio Express C# 2010, and it does not read ASP, I climbed ... ything, I can not find how to connect, or are they incompatible? And how to work with ASP, you need Visual Web Dev. download?

Separate sorting of each table column - List. Sort()

There is a DataGridView bound to BindingSource that takes data from List<T>. The data is divided into pages. Therefore, ... (y.GetType().GetProperty(col).GetValue(y))); } Source.Sort = col; } Source.ResetBindings(false); }

How do I convert the return value from an asynchronous method to a List?

There is such a class with the method: class ParsGoogle { public static async Task<List<string>> ParsUrlAsy ... Console.WriteLine(i); } Console.ReadLine(); } Question: how to convert the type correctly? Or how to fix it?

How to output positive numbers from an array in descending order

class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { // ввод чисел int temp; int s = -1; ... e help me, I don't know what to do anymore. Let's say I entered: 10, -20, -30, 40; And you should get it: (40 10) and (20 30)

Generalizations and interfaces

Gentlemen, please tell me, this is the case, I read in the book such a phrase about the implementation of generalized interfa ... did it say in the beginning that it is necessary to pass its type parameters when connecting a generalized interface? Thanks.

Creating Random objects WITHOUT duplicate objects

.Hello, good people. My task is to randomly determine the number of so-called survivors and list them. The problem is that th ... nt deletion of the object selected by random, but it did not work. I will be glad to hear the options your decisions. Thanks.

How to remove vowel letters from an array

Goal: out of 10 array elements, output only the consonant letters of the English alphabet to the console. I.e. 'A' , 'E', 'I' ... Length; i++) { symbs4[i] = (char)(symbs4[i-1] + 1); Console.WriteLine(symbs4[i]); }

Create your own C statement#

I want to rewrite the division operator to my own!!! (the " / " operator is kind of idiotic with it. For some reason, Melkoso ... rested in the syntax of declaring your own data type and OPERATOR!!! So that you can just: My_data a1,a2,a3; a3= a1 div a1;

Unity complains about an error in the Json file

I teach data serialization using a json file (something like this should be called). I want to save, well, let's say, the tex ... line? does this mean that in a json file I can only do line wrapping with \n, but write all the text in the file in one line?

Checking c dates#

The form has a datagridview that is filled in from access. This table has multiple columns and an unlimited number of rows. F ... d date" column and compare them with the real date, if the Real date is larger than the output message. How can this be done?

Opening a file in Notepad

Hello. There was a problem when opening a program file in notepad. string tmp = listBox1.SelectedItem.ToString(); ... ); MessageBox.Show(tmp); Process.Start("C:\\Windows\\System32\\notepad.exe", tmp); } } }

Deserialization of the XML response from SOAP

There is a third-party SOAP service. which returns the response as XML <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas. ... ributeName = "SOAP-ENC", Namespace = "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/")] public string SOAPENC { get; set; } } }

Attach the Yandex Dictionary API to my ready-made translator

You need to write a translator for kursach(1 course). 2 days I try to fasten and it comes out or 400 bad request or it just c ... y { public string Code { get; set; } public string Lang { get; set; } public string[] Text { get; set; } } }

How do I send JSON in the body of an HTTP request?

There is a class public struct Message { public string Guid { get; set; } public string Token { get; set; } } This c ... ring json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(message); How to pass it to the request body (it is supposed to use HttpWebRequest)?