
C++ stl map

Works:(All in one file ConsoleApplication4.cpp) #include <string> #include <map> using namespace std ... 1169: one or more multiply defined symbols found ========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========

How do I open the Yandex. Maps app when I click on a link in Android?

How do I make sure that when you click on the link in the browser, the Yandex.Maps app opens, with the navigation location (coordinates)?

Accessing the vector container that is inside the map container

There is a container map<string,vector<string>> Map. You need to find a specific word in the vector and output its key. Hence the question: how to access the vector that is inside the map?

Alternative to the map (Arduino) function in python

You need to translate one range of values to another. I write in python. Arduino scripts have a function like map, I wonder i ... value) from the current range of values (fromLow .. fromHigh) to the new range (toLow .. toHigh) specified by the parameters.

Find elements with a key less than the specified one. Multimap

How can I get(find) an element by entering the variable int k through the console, and getting auto itr, so that the code for ... // cout << it->first << " : " << it->second << endl; //} } ///... }

How do I get directions to multiple google maps api points?

Please help with this problem: When building a route between two points, everything works correctly(we delete markers by clic ... } console.log(markerArr); directionsDisplay.setMap(null); routing(); }

How can I use a tag(for example, a toy) to get a list of coordinates of objects(or immediately display them) that match this tag from yandex or google map

How can I use a tag(for example, a toy) to get a list of coordinates of objects(or immediately display them) that match this tag from yandex or google map?

map does not save an association by an already existing key

Good afternoon. Solving a problem : "Two words are called synonyms of each other if they have similar meanings. Implement the ... etween c++ and java, and overwrites the first one, changing rust to java. I will be grateful for your help in fixing the bug.

Deleting a MapKit Yandex route on Android

How can I delete a built route in Mapkit Yandex. I wanted my route to be updated when the User moves. I use LocationManager t ... vehicleOptions, this); mapView.getMap().move(new CameraPosition( startLocation, 18, 0, 0)); } }

ArrayList to Map in Java

There is an unordered list of objects of the Product type. class Product { int realization_date; String name; } I n ... hough the object is identical, because the hash of the object is not among the list of keys in the map. Thank you in advance.

Json java is a complex structure with a dictionary for deserialization

{ "criterias": [ {"lastName": "Иванов"}, {"productName": "Минеральная вода", "minTimes": 5}, {"minExpenses": 112, "maxExpense ... lass); And the fields are null naturally. How to deserialize such a structure. Tried adding jackson annotations doesn't help

Change the Google maps marker icon after user selection

How do I change the marker icon on the map, depending on which one the user has chosen? As you can see in the picture I have a FAB, it opens and there are three icons.

Adding elements from two unordered maps

In general, I am interested in whether it is possible to make it easier, in terms of the number of iterations, than now (at t ... is: Z[1] b=1 c=1 // элемент из X Z[2] b=4 c=3 // сумма из X и Y Z[3] b=6 c=3 // сумма из X и Y Z[5] b=4 c=2 // элемент из Y

Algorithms for working with map C++

The essence of the task: to implement for map 5 algorithms sort, copy, none_of, find_if, copy_if. I started to understand, a ... I found examples only for vector. You can just write an example of how to work with these algorithms using map, not vector.

An object of the class as the map value

I'm trying to add a class element to the map, but there is no suitable constructor. Here is an example of the code (for examp ... icit Some(int value) : value(value) {} }; int main() { map<char, Some> list; Some x(10); list['z'] = x; }

Parsing command-line arguments in the key=value format, taking into account the Java syntax

I'm trying to parse the command line using mapping. The string should look something like this: -file=simple.txt -command ... rite(gson.toJson(people)); bw.flush(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } }}

Constant method and access to a map class element

Suppose I want to just output the contents of a map dictionary using the constant method of the class that this dictionary is ... ethod? After all, if the dictionary is large, and you need to output specific elements, then copying will take a lot of time.

Java Stream converter Map to List

I have this object filled in: Map<String, List<LogLine>> logMap = new TreeMap<>(); And after making ... )); How can I create only one list with all loglines using stream? I tried to use flatMap, but the compiler does not let.

What is the difference between map () and lenght ()?

I was studying and this code appeared: var materials = [ 'Hydrogen', 'Helium', 'Lithium', 'Beryllium' ]; ... of letters of each word, but how does that happen? If the map function returns the" words " of the array and the lenght too ?

How to make docker respond to a domain that does not exist in /etc/hosts?

In my hosts file I have only the following the following domains: localhost When I run th ... e system responsible for the 3 domains: localhost, and , but it's not working. How could I do that?