
Is there a difference between GCC (g++) and Visual Studio?

I have a couple of questions from a beginner. If a program compiles correctly in VS, will it compile correctly in g++(GCC) ... s 10, will it compile correctly on Linux? Is it possible to check whether the program will compile in Linux and in g++(GCC)?

Kali linux stopped loading

Accidentally deleted the file vmlinuz-4.19.0-kali5-amd64 and did not notice it immediately when rebooting, it throws an error ... -amd64 файл не найден. Is it possible to download this file separately somewhere, or do you still need to reinstall the OS ?

How do I set up https for Apache and Tomcat with a free certificate?

Given: VPS on Ubuntu, on it Apache (for the front) and Tomcat (for the API). There is a domain, everything works for http. ... ss. Problem: I don't want to pay for the certificate. Question: How do I get a free certificate and configure everything?

When will RAD Studio compile Delphi applications for Linux?

It seems that back in 2017, Linux support was announced: ... the site so far, I can't find any packages where this functionality is available. Maybe who knows what?

Can't open file for reading

The code is as follows: if ((pfp = fopen("etc/enet.cfg", "r")) == NULL) { printf("Unable to open enet.cfg\n"); return -1; } The file cannot be opened, i.e. an error message is printed in this case.

How to patch KDE2 under FreeBSD?

How to patch KDE2 under FreeBSD?

Problem with installing the nvidia driver on a laptop

Video card: Nvidia Geforce 920m System: Debian 10 buster Driver installation command: sudo su && apt-get install nvid ... vidia-smi And after this command, I only have a black screen without everything at the start of the system, what should I do?

What's faster: Dynamic memory allocation vs array, Windows 7 vs Linux

A test is written to measure the speed between dynamic memory allocation and array usage, as well as between Windows 7 64-bit ... gh new and delete are used? Why is Linux faster than Windows 7? PS. Both use the release version with speed optimization.

How to upgrade from Centos 7.3 to Centos 7.6

How do I upgrade from Centos 7.3 to Centos 7.6? You need it on 7.6.1810, not newer. I tried to connect the distribution iso 7.6 and make it a repository, but updates are not pulled up from there.

Count the number of specific characters in a text file, linux

There is a large file with text, you need to count the number of certain characters, for example, Y, commands like cat file_ ... -c Y Only the number of lines containing the desired character is counted, and the required total number of characters is

Gnome-tweak-tool is not installed

I try to install gnome-tweak-tool on Ubuntu 20.04, but the terminal outputs the following: $ sudo apt install gnome-tweak-too ... 0 пакетов не обновлено. Can you tell me what to do with this? P.S. Put Ubuntu on the computer 20.10 and everything worked.

Wi-Fi does not work on a laptop with Linux Ubuntu. How to connect?

Today I installed Linux for the first time. Ubuntu version 18.04 LTS (from the official website). But, unfortunately, the wi- ... her, it doesn't have an Ethernet interface. How do I connect wi-fi? In Linux, an absolute noob, and you need to work somehow.

The PCM key on the keyboard in KDE

I have a laptop with Kubuntu 19.04 (KDE 5), and on its keyboard there is no key that performs PCM pressing (usually it is wit ... feres with working without a mouse. How can I assign pressing this key to a combination of other keys (for example, ctrl+.)?

Breaking command binds in Linux Xfce4

I have a problem out of the blue (I can't connect it with specific actions) problem with these binds in Linux Mint 19.3 Trici ... in the standard settings, so I have to use the layout icon. I apologize for the abundance of commas, thank you in advance.

Linux. Shell. Sh. Copying files

Hello, gentlemen. I would like to get some advice or help. The task is as follows-the user enters the script name, let's sa ... example, for example, for this task. Look at the overall design style and generally accepted solutions. Thank you in advance.

Random root chown

I wanted to change the rights on the server recursively in one folder, and forgot to write a period. In the end, I typed chow ... rights for all standard folders are written somewhere? What can be done to prevent this from happening again in the future?

Connecting to a remote computer

There is a computer 300 km away from me, to which I need to connect. Preferably with a graphical interface, but you can also ... with the same error as on the VM. Or do I have 2 options: go there and install Windows? Tell me, is there a similar solution?

libvirt-bin, ubuntu 19.4

I want to install kvm, but the latest version of ubuntu 19.4 of the libvirt-bin utility is not available, it is impossible to install it, how to replace it, or maybe there is another way to install this utility?

How do I remotely reinstall the server?

There is a remote Debian server that is partially inoperable for various reasons. You can connect to it via ssh under root. Is it possible to reinstall this server by logging in as an ssh administrator? If so, how do I do it?