
Foolishly made format S: /FS:FAT32, where S is the volume labeled system, when it was loaded from a flash drive with Windows. Now boot devices are just a flash drive

I did the removal of ubuntu according to the guide, made the release of the partition, and then I had to boot from a flash dr ... continue launching Windows, but I did not have such a button. I rebooted and now only the flash drive is in the boot manager.

Connecting to a computer from outside

Please tell me if they can connect to me from outside (from the Internet)? If they also know the IP address. Open ports on the screen. If so, which ports should I close?

Windows 10 + vscode + php. Encoding problems in the debugger

In Windows 10, vscode, openserver for php development are installed. Debugging via xdebug is configured in vscode. The proble ... The encoding of the source files is utf-8. I can't figure out what to tweak so that the debager outputs everything correctly.

IDE for C++ [duplicate]

This question is already answered here: ... ple, well-described and without a single minus (!) there is no Eclipse for me I liked it. Pps. Back to VS is not an option.

Airmon-ng does not exist | Aircrack-ng

I recently downloaded aircrack-ng on Windows, and there is no airmon-ng. What should I do in this situation? Initially, I pla ... on Linux, but VirtualBox sends network interfaces to fuck, so I had to switch to Windows. (There is no way to download linux)

GRUB+Windows: How do I restore the ability to select at boot? [duplicate]

This question has already been answered here: ... he selection option at boot. Thank you in advance. P.S was XP, now seven is installed. Where and what you need edit?

The second StatusBar in File Explorer [Windows 10]

Russian Russian After installing Windows, I put all the programs in a row on my list, I did not immediately notice that there ... Пакет локализованного интерфейса на русском The hero of the occasion: Classic Shell. He was the last person I thought about.

Numpad is disabled when numlock is enabled

I tried to enter altcodes, but nothing worked. I started to understand, it turned out that numlock works crookedly. In my lap ... , numlock is also turned on, and altcodes only work when numlock is turned off. What should I do to change the numlock value?

ERROR:Error [WinError 87] Parameter set incorrectly (when trying to install Python libraries)

The WinError error occurs: the parameter is set incorrectly, when trying to load kivy via the command line, or when trying to ... VS. It gives the same error everywhere. Please help me fix it. I warn you in advance, rebooting all of the above did not help

Nested tqdm, pretty print

How do I make sure that K levels of tqdm-s are written out in exactly K lines? Example: from tqdm import tqdm from time impor ... meters. Sometimes it works in the sandbox in the browser, but not locally on Windows. The colorama module didn't help either.

zip error: Nothing to do!

I can't rewrite the program from the textbook "A Byte of Python" without an error. import os import time source = ['C:\\Us ... . The system I have is Windows 10 pro. Python 3.7.4. Help me understand, pliz. It just doesn't work. What am I doing wrong?

How to install Windows instead of ubuntu 12.04 [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. Answers to it are not accepted at the moment. ... l me, please, here I want to get rid of ubuntu 12.04 and I can't do anything. I can't open the Windows disk through a reboot.

Problems with building jom and Qt5 from source on Windows

Greetings to all. It is not possible to collect jom from isodniki. I am in the directory c:\jom\jom-build, and in the directo ... ment, but the nmake utility works in 1 thread, so I wanted to install jom to deal with the installation of Qt5 itself faster.

Can I use Wallpaper Engine and Rainmeter on an inactive Windows 10?

Can I use Wallpaper Engine and Rainmeter on an inactive Windows 10?

How do I restore windows from the windows.old folder? [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. Answers to it are not accepted at the moment. ... stion Hello! Tell me how to restore windows 8 from the windows.old folder? Thanks.

How do I check if access to a storage device(USB flash drive) is denied or not via c#?

I am writing a program to monitor connected devices and need to do some actions if the flash drive is blocked(access is denie ... ing the flash drives). How do I check if I have access to a flash drive or not? I can't find a way or I'm not looking well...

Windows-1251 encoding issues

Russian characters return negative codes, instead of codes from 192 to 255. system ("chcp 1251"); spelled out. How to use normal codes instead of negative ones?

An error occurs api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll on windows 8.1, as well as Visual C ++ 2015 is not installed (x86, then x64)

I use Windows 8.1 because I like it, but an error occurs when installing the latest version of Python. I tried to reinstall Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable, but it doesn't work. What to do?

C++ server-client [closed]

Closed. It is impossible to give an objective answer to this question . Answers to it are not accepted at the moment. ... ure about client - server - client communication. Sending text information... Very interesting with support for linux and win

Bat To Exe Converter by Fatih Kodak / / Parallel configuration is incorrect

I have been using the Bat To Exe Converter from Fatih Kodak for a year now, and for some reason there were no errors up to th ... s, but on XP it does not. By the way, this happens with Vbs To Exe Converter. Why does this error appear and how to solve it?