
How to implement in Python 3 the removal of a specific application (program) on Windows 10?

That is, I need to write code that deletes a certain program, preferably without the user's participation. The program being ... and that you also need to use a bat file, but you need a different command. Probably. I will be very grateful for your help!!

Detailed verification of SMART hard disk parameters via PowerShell

I'm trying to google the possibility and existing scripts on PowerShell to check the SMART parameters of the hard disk. There ... number of SMART parameters. Maybe one of you knows how to get these parameters and will tell you a working script? Thank you

How do I add a program to autorun?

I wrote a small utility for closing unnecessary Windows processes at startup (Sirena, Print queue, etc) A console applicatio ... runs list) RegistryKey reg; reg= Registry.CurrentUser.CreateSubKey("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run\\");

Is it possible to come up with a script for connecting and disconnecting hard drives in Windows?

I want to make backup disks of long-term storage on a working server. The idea is that once a month, the script is triggered, ... hell or something similar, can this be done? Upd: I have you can archive all backups (daily, monthly, annual) once a month.

Installing Windows 8 Mobile on an HTC Desire C smartphone

I watched the announcements of the new Windows 8 Mobile and thought to put it on my Smart phone. Question: Can I install this ... d a system less devouring memory. You can also not install a Windows OS. I just want to make a faster smart phone for myself.

What is HANDLE in windows programming?

What is HANDLE? I started to confuse it with the device context. But something tells me that these are different things.

the entry point to the SetDefaultDllDirectories procedure was not found in the DLL KERNEL32.dll

When installing third-party programs from official sites (Atom code editor or Figma ) Returns the error "the entry point to t ... ocedure was not found in the DLL KERNEL32.dll". How to fix this and finally install the necessary applications? BY: Windows7

Add Linux to the BIOS ' boot menu

I decided to try out the Linux family for myself, and, of course, I started with Ubuntu. After my first acquaintance with thi ... ia selected as the bootable one, I would like to get rid of it I have a Dual BIOS, version f20 Help, please, who can do what

Removing the Avast antivirus

After the update with the error: "the update did not finish", Avast did not start. After the package manager deletes it and the installation does not start. What to do? If in the command line, please write the commands.

Application hibernation

Is there any functionality that allows you to freeze the application by transferring all data from RAM to the hard disk? Thus freeing up RAM for another application and saving the session of the frozen application.

FTP.exe, MDELETE command-delete by mask

The FTP server directory contains a set of files whose names match the template prefix_suffix.txt Moreover, prefix is the ... d. PS. Using non-standard tools for working with FTP, as well as more advanced scripting tools (VBS/JS/PS) - not considered.

Software language change on a virtual Windows keyboard

There is a WPF project. Windows 10. When switching to certain Views, the process osk.exe - on-screen keyboard is called. You ... simulation Shift + Alt? If you press Shift then Alt then Shift again on the on-screen keyboard, the layout changes quickly.

How to convert pdf to doc and odt

I found many algorithms for converting doc to pdf, but I didn't find the reverse algorithm. Please tell me how to do this on windows and on linux. I make Pdf files using the LimeReport library.There are no methods for converting to doc/odt.

Changing standard file extensions to lowercase (Windows 10)

Faced with the problem of standard file extensions in uppercase. Example: Instead of the file "New Text file документ.txt A n ... em with .pptx, .txt,. exe, .docx,. pub. I will be very grateful for your help with solving the problem. P.S. Windows 10 1909.

Running the program from the Windows task scheduler (task scheduler)

In the Windows task scheduler, I have a task that runs the program at a certain interval (written in C#). In the course of th ... e saved to the system folder. How do I configure the program to run so that the program does not run from the system folder?

How do I use deprecated components in the task scheduler?

In the task scheduler, when adding a new task, in addition to opening the application, there are functions for displaying mes ... d there, and whether it is possible to bypass this annoying notification, after all, using, for example, the output messages?

Can I make a Windows 8 installer from an already installed system?

There are two ISO's-windows 8 b windows 8.1. Ghbxtv dnjhjt cnfdbncz njkmrj yf e; t ujnjde. Windows 8. Is it possible to someh ... only with ISO. And I have two of them and a bunch of useful programs. P.S. Or rather, how is it easiest for Lamer to do this?

Replacing the built-in RDP client

What quality options are there besides the built-in Windows client for remote connection? I tried Royal TS: overall not bad, but there are no special advantages.

Visual Studio-Segmentation error how to find, how to edit?

There is a cross-platform project. Under Windows, the application is built and crashes while running, under Linux - crashes not all with the error Segmentation fault. How can I find and fix an error using Visual Studio under Windows?

C compilation and execution in Sublime Text 3, Windows 10

I want to compile a .c file in Sublime Text 3, in Windows 10, but when I try to output something with printf, nothing happens ... "shell": true, "path": "C:\\MinGW\\bin\\" } Changed the folder Мои работы to my_projects, but this is also not helped