
What is PATH and how do I put files there?

What is PATH and how do I put files there?

How do I change the TTL in Windows 10 Feature Update 2004?

After a clean install of a new version of Windows 10 (I have build 19041.329), the DefaultTTL registry key stopped working. D ... t ICMP Request has a ttl as specified in DafaultTTL, and ICMP Replay has a standard ttl of 128. Of course, I did the reboot.

Options for creating a GUI in windows in C++

I recently started learning C++ on windows, and now I am very interested to learn from experienced people-what ways to create ... ry software? I know about the existence of Qt, but it does not suit me. (Cross-platform is not important, my goal is windows)

Creating a proxy on your home computer

There are two computers, at home and in the country. Both have Windows OS. At home, it is connected via Ethernet (TTK), at th ... his? Tell me which one to read literature on networks and protocols. Thanks! [1]:

Delete a corrupted folder

When you try to delete a folder, you get a message saying that "It is not possible to delete the folder because it is damaged". I tried to remove it via Unlocker - it doesn't help. What should I do (preferably without formatting the entire disk)?

How do I change the program name in the task manager?

How to make the task manager write not a boring myprog, just a file name, but as for decent programs - Superprog of Mikhajlo. ... , I can not achieve this - myprog and that's it. What does a minimal example of such a .rc file look like to write Superprog?

How do I run an application written in Qt C++ on another PC where there is no Qt?

I have on my PC, everything runs without errors. I put all the necessary libraries in the .exe folder. But on another PC, it writes that the Qt plugin was not found. Please tell me what to do?

The ProgramData folder is now visible

Who knows why the ProgramData folder became visible if it should be hidden? Does this affect anything, if so, how can it be hidden (applying the Скрытый attribute to the folder via properties did not lead to anything)?

how to simulate pressing the ENTER key using the c++ language and the keybd event function();

And how to use keybd_event('/n', 0, 0, 0); to simulate pressing the ENTER key? when using '/n 'instead of pressing ENTER, I g ... keybd_event('/n', 0, 0, 0); keybd_event('{ENTER}', 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0); Sleep(3000); } }

The desired tray icon

Hello everyone, I wanted to ask how to make the tray panel (like it's called, where the clock, antivirus, and all that) the right icon, that is, so that when Windows starts, the desired icon is simply loaded.

openvpn route add windows problems

Hello. Such a problem:There is an openvpn server(linux, IP and many clients (win xp) connecting to it.On mos ... 0 Please tell me what the problem may be. P.S:All external IP addresses are fictitious and coincidences with them are random.

How do I add a dynamic record to an ARP table myself?

How can I use Windows 10 utilities/windows/services to add a dynamic entry to an ARP table? You can use the arp utility to ad ... o add a DYNAMIC one. P.S. Yes, I understand that this does not make sense, but it can be done somehow, but I do not know how(

Location of the Mozilla Firefox profile in Windows OS

Where is the Mozilla profile? there are two folders. which one is it? AppData\Roaming\Mozilla and AppData\Local\Mozilla

How to bind the mouse wheel torsion in Tkinter

How do I bind the mouse wheel torsion to tkinter ? I use Windows

Does Windows have standard tools similar to Tshark or Tcpdump?

Good afternoon! Need to know if there is something standard in Windows that would allow you to create network traffic dumps( .pcap files)? This functionality is provided by non-standard WireShark (TShark ) and TcpDump. Thanks!

Can I install a Java app from Google Play Market on Windows?

A strange thought suddenly occurred to me. If there is a Java application on the Google Play Market, then in theory, it shoul ... e is a Java machine. It should also work on Windows. Question: Can I install a Java app from Google Play Market on Windows?

Why are there a lot of applications for android on java and very few for windows?

Dear colleagues! I can't dock two + two. For vacancies in java, they offer mainly to write either web servers or for android. ... ws - almost nothing. What features of androida (compared to windows) make java development a priority over native languages?

What is the name, and most importantly, how to call this window via C++

Hello. I am faced with a task that requires the output of such a window with its own text. But to my shame, I don't even kno ... ng you: How to call it and what is it called? Thank you for deciding to look at the question and thank you for the answers :)

Why doesn't the taskkill command work in Windows 10?

I am learning to work through the Windows command line. Stuck on processes. I was able to run the example calculator calc.ex ... course, glad that Success: A completion signal was sent to the process with id 3920. But where is the completion itself?