
Memory in the Task Manager

Here is the code that allocates an array of 6 billion bytes - that's just over 5.5 GB: #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS #inc ... do these numbers mean (each of the 5 columns) and is it possible in the task manager see the 6 GB that the program consumes?

Where is the firefox history stored?

I need to transfer browser profiles to another computer. If I just copy the folders to another computer. Will I be able to vi ... pen tabs. I still have them. How do I do this? Firefox: C:\Users\имя пользователя\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\

Expand the remote desktop window to full screen

Faced with such a problem. I open the remote desktop. I used to be fine with him: this window opened to the full screen. In p ... m my main desktop. Way "Show Options-Screen-Display settings - Move the slider to the rightmost position" does not work.

Open File Explorer and select multiple files/directories

The Windows Explorer app has the {[1] parameter]}: explorer /select, C:\AMD Executing this command will open the "File Exp ... will highlight the specified directory C:\AMD. Is there any way to start the "Explorer" and select several files/directories?

How do I minimize the Tk window to the Windows tray?

There is a program that should be left running in the background and minimized to the Windows tray. I found this link: tyk Ni ... id not understand this question, help to understand how it is done on just an example with tkinter, or tell me an easier way.

MS Office files from the Task Scheduler VBS script do not open

There is a VBS script that opens Word and Excel documents. Set wdApp = CreateObject("Word.Application") Set xlApp = Crea ... roblem? P.S. Changing the task execution setting does not affect the error: "Windows 10"; " Windows 7.."; "Windows Vista..."

Console in C# - Command Handler!

Good day, gentlemen! Help the noob) C#code: List<string> cmds = new List<string>(); { Console.Write("Hello> ... s case or in case of successful execution of the command to return to the Console.Write ("Hello>"); and continue working?

How do I change the TTL in Windows without restarting?

I have MTS on my mobile and I distribute the Internet on a PC, distribution is conducted with DefaultTTL 65 set on the comput ... On linux, I would do something like /ect/init. d/networking restart. How do I change the TTL without restarting on Windows?

Miracast on a TV with a PC on Win 10 without a Wi-Fi adapter, is it possible?

I have a computer that has a video card that supports Miracast (AMD Radeon RX 550), and a Samsungs TV that also supports it. ... connection to the computer must be strictly on this adapter, or it will be possible by the cable? It costs windows 10 1903.

Specifying the encoding in the batnik

It is necessary to write a command in the batnik to close the window by its title. I started trying it out for notepad. I wro ... to specify all such encodings in bat? Here, for example, you need to set the ISO 8859-5 encoding. How to write in the batnik?

Transfer the game from Unity 3D to Android

I created a game on the Unity3d engine and now I want to transfer it to android. Do you need to install something else, connect it, or redo it? How can this be done?

Example of a client and server in C / C++

Can anyone have examples of a ready-made server and client communicating via TCP/IP? Preferably on С. If there is, then it is possible under Unix, and under Windows.

How can I install and use software designed only for Apple computers in Windows?

The question is almost about programming, but does not apply to any of the other forums of the service. There is some softwar ... can't find an Apple computer anywhere. How, with Windows 7, can I install and use software designed only for Apple computers?

How do I make sure that if I enter my username and password incorrectly, it says "Invalid username or password"?

This is python Here is the code: import smtplib def check(): user = input("Login: ") password = input("Password: " ... _SSL(url, 465) server.login(user, password) def main(): check() if __name__ == "__main__": main() Thanks!

Blue screen. What equipment can cause it?

In general, I have such a problem. I bought a laptop and exactly after the warranty period(in a year), the blue screen began ... replace, but navryatli it will give something. Maybe someone I have met with a similar situation, tell me what can be wrong.

How do I remove the buttons without fn?

On my laptop, the keys f1 f2 f3, etc., have additional functions going to sleep, turning off wi-fi, etc., but they work with a simple click on the button, and the button itself only works with fn, and it should be the opposite, how can I fix it?

Blue screen 0x000000C5

Prompt, blue screen 0x000000C5 at system start (win 7) safe (any), recovery mode catch the same blue screen. liveCD none is l ... either the same error or just hang. I tried to install windows, got the same blue screen. linux starts perfectly. What to do?

Compiler error E2037 Declaration of '%s' differs from previous declaration

The compiler throws the error E2037 Declaration of '%s' differs from previous declaration when the method, function, or proce ... nd; It compiles with this error, although the IDE itself created the method description in the implementation section. Why?

C++ and additional libraries

Good time of day. Need community advice on additional libraries in VS2010 EE and Qt Creator. I will try to explain the essenc ... ed hints on the implementation. Well, the most undesirable advice on your part would be "Use IDE N". Thank you for your time.

Why does sys. platform return 32 on Windows 64-bit?

The processor of the computer is x64, OS Windows 10 is also 64-bit, but the command sys.platform shows 32. What does this number mean and do I need to reinstall python ?