
How do I specify a different installation directory when installing Docker Desktop for Windows?

Does "Docker Desktop" have Installer.exe " command-line options for specifying the installation directory? Or point to the documentation, on I didn't find it.

Why does the CreateThread function start the function immediately after creation?

There is a problem with parallelizing the output to the console screen: History: execution of WriteConsoleOutputW takes long ... hreads, which is time-consuming. Are there any options for how to make a call launch? Addition: Here's what I'm rendering

How do I completely remove a MySQL server from my computer?

At first, there were such problems. Now I have a mess with the MySQL accounts. How do I COMPLETELY delete a MySQL server? Whe ... delete everything: the program, the accounts, and the ports? As if MySQL Server did not stand at me? (I have Windows XP SP3.)

Windows is not visible in Grub 2

I had Windows on my computer, I installed fedora 15, and Windows stopped displaying in Grub 2. What to do, how to return it to the selection menu?

Editing gui elements

Hello everyone To write my programs, I use Visual Studio + pure WINAPI. Everything is fine and everything is fine, you compil ... ould like to know the opinion, or continue to engage in sadomasochism with coordinates, or .attach a dll to the program?)))))

Delphi SendMessage

Good afternoon. I run the command line (cmd.exe) and try to send it a message that the Enter key is pressed, I do this: var ... use, this is the name of the window I'm looking for). But this method does not want to work, perhaps there are still options?

I want to change the terminal to output codeblocks (cmd) to windows Terminal? How do I do this? The property is blocked(

CodeBlocks by default outputs everything in cmd but I want it to output messages to a more convenient terminal for me-Windows Terminal, but the property of changing the terminal is blocked. Operating system windows 10.

Running programs as an administrator via the batnik

There is a batch script that performs certain actions with files and directories, simultaneously running several executables ... y with the necessary rights? I tried to run the script itself on behalf of the administrator, but it stops working correctly.

How do I open a form designer in a Windows Application C++project?

Hello everyone. In general, I created a Windows Application C++project. When running without errors, a beautiful form is created. But the problem is-there is no designer, how do I create buttons, labels, etc? Screen:

Find in the c++ Redistributable registry, displayed in " Programs and Components"

Faced with such a task. In Inno Setup, you need to get a list of c++ Redistributables displayed in "Programs and Components". ... y, let's say 10 different c++ Redistributable, and in "Programs and Components" only 3. How do I get only 3 of these options?

how do I change the windows 10 theme via python?

Example of a windows theme that needs to be changed via python

how do I write a python program that will run in the background?

Is it possible to write a program in python that will not be shown after launch, that is, it will run as in the background? just like a Rat virus, if so how? Are there any articles about this?

Apache error "The requested URL could not be retrieved"

I installed XAMPP for myself. I started everything. I open the browser, enter localhost, and the error ERROR The requested ... host` # localhost name resolution is handled within DNS itself. # localhost # localhost

Error copying the QFile file in Windows

I create a file, write text to it, then I want to copy it. But the copy function returns false. As a directory to copy in the ... fore closing it and after. Always the answer is false. P. S. S. key_file.errorString(); outputs in both cases: Unknown error.

How do I change the activation key in win 2000?

The installation disk with windows 2000 is lost on old machines, only the activation key remains, how can I change the activation key after installing from another distribution?

Low Internet speed Windows 10

I connected the Internet at home, the speed of the jump is very low ...for example if you watch a movie online, it loads quic ... torrents (although this one claimed that it does not jam) but the usual file is not torentovsky with the same speed shakes...

Pytube. Download several different video options, certain qualities, and audio

How to download the best quality audio possible in pytube and download the best quality video separately, 480p. In total, you ... iles For example, here is the video:

Push back password change in Win7

Given: a work computer entered in the company domain. I went on a business trip, completely forgetting that just at this time ... st move the password change deadline? UPD. I went under the VPN to the domain network and changed the password. It's alright.

Help me write a driver for the sound card

Please help me write a driver for the Yamaha 744 sound card for windows 7 64-bit. Give at least some guidelines, a skeleton, how to write a driver in Visual Studio C.

Changing the layout in windows 10

How do I set the keyboard layout to alt+space in windows 10?