
Samba (on Astra Linux 1.6) and the client on Win are strangely friendly

Using samba on astra, a file server is deployed, which is essentially just a shared directory. There are four clients on astr ... eate mask = 0777 force create mode = 0777 available = yes public = yes writable = yes browseable = yes directory mask = 0777

Installing windows 98 on a modern laptop

We have: a corei5 laptop, 4gb of RAM two 500gb HDDs each 1st HDD:|100mb-reserved by the system| / 36gb-NTFS for Windows 7||39 ... option, I think to install a clean DOS in conjunction with FAR manager. DOS it seems to be still alive, and used somewhere.

IP address substitution

The program connects to the server by ip address. Unfortunately, the server ip has changed. Edit with the help of exe program editors is not an option. Are there any options to replace the ip address to which the program connects?

How do I detect soft keystrokes?

What ways are there to detect soft keystrokes in my app? Problem to solve: Protection from bots.

Stereo to mono in real time

I have the option to output only the right channel. Is there some way to programmatically do [stereo - - - > Mono] or [R-L - - - > RL] for all applications at once?

Which compiler or environment to use for working with the book "Programming for Windows 95" by Charles Petzold"

At the moment, I'm reading a book by Charles Petzold, "Programming for Windows 95". When compiling the codes from the book, t ... p\cc8J0wBY.o:hellowin.c:(.text+0x1c4): undefined reference to `PlaySoundA@12' collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status

Parameters in the Powershell script variables

Hello everybody!Question: is there a powershell script that has a variable, conditionally $User_name? Is it possible to make ... in the task: execute "myscript. ps1" parameters: "$User_name= "Ololosha Valueva"", and the script is executed for this user.

How to create a service for Windows

How to create a service for Windows 7 or XP in Delphi 7. If possible, please provide step-by-step instructions in as much detail as possible.

Black screen when installing Windows 10

The computer already has a dozen installed, but there was a need to reinstall it. I install another build, which I previously ... ing like that, because my question is, is my problem within the norm? Does it make sense to just wait or is something wrong?

Python on windows 7 x64

What do I need to do to install python and the environment for its development? ( What to download, where to download, what e ... have 2 and 3 versions at once. By the way, which language is better to write/teach? Thank you in advance for your advice. :)

Bios and Windows 7 installation

I want to install the OS through the bios, nothing comes out. In boot, I set my dvd-rom to 1, after rebooting the black screen and " _ " blinks at the top. Update

Window collapse animation in Windows 7 and Delphi 7

As you know, in Windows 7, when the effects are enabled, the window does not collapse instantly, but with an animation lastin ... window instantly or add a check that it is 100% invisible? It is desirable that it also works in other versions of Windows.

How do I add a "jump" to a C# script on Unity 3D using Character Controller?

I made a script for moving a character in Unity with a smooth turn in 8 directions, but I don't know how to add a jump to the ... ation = Quaternion.Euler(0f, angle, 0f); controller.Move(direction * speed * Time.deltaTime); } } }

How do I change the app icon on the taskbar, but not the form?

Can you tell me how to change the icon on the taskbar so that the form icon (form.icon) remains unchanged? Application.Icon.A ... s the icon both there and there. And even if after the change, for example, you forcibly change form.icon, nothing happens...

Encoding of the php script text in the console in Windows

I have a large PHP application running through the console. All files with UTF-8 encoding, instead of echo I use my function ... indows 10, there are no problems with encoding, you don't even need to translate anything. In versions of Windows below-none.

Visual Studio 2012 compiling C / C++ files from the console

How can I compile a C / C++ file in Windows 8 using VS2012 from the console? For example, this: // main.cpp #include <iost ... 1.0\VC\bin run file vcvars32. bat Then use: cl main.cpp All sorts of keys for compilers: Compiler Options Listed by Category

Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 does not work

When the environment starts, a window appears: "Cannot find one or more components. Please reinstall the application." And al ... Professional problem the same. I immediately inform you: installing previous versions or other environments is not an option.

How to change the color for a c++console window

How can I change the color of my app's console in C++? Need to use Windows. h?